Application of ICT Facilities in 21st Century Library Services: The Case of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike


  • Amaoge Dorathy AGBO (CLN) Department of Library and InformaƟon Science, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
  • Juliana Obiageri AKIDI (Ph.D, CLN) University Library, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.


Library services, Academic Libraries, Information and Communication Technology


This study is on the application of information and communication technology (ICT) facilities in the 21st century library services using Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike as a focus. The study was guided by five (5) research objectives that sought to examine the ICT facilities available in the library, areas of ICT application to library services, extent of ICT application in the library, issues associated with ICT application to library services and strategies for effective application of ICT facilities in the library. The study adopted a descriptive survey method. The population of the study consisted of 69 library staff of Michael OkparaUniversity of Agriculture, Umudike Library. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 69 copies of questionnaires were distributed and fully recovered for data analysis giving a return rate of one hundred percent. Datagenerated was analysed usingfrequency counts and descriptive statistics of mean scores and presented in tables. Findings of the study showed that there are various ICT facilities available in MOUAU library, including; laptops, internet facilities, modem, network cables, stand-alone computers, online database, printers, CD-ROM technology, photocopiers, Wide Area Network, hubs, AC adapters, e-mail, projectors, local area network, routers among others. However Machine Readable Catalogue (MARC), telefacsimile among others are not available. The finding also revealed that ICTs are applied in many areas and operations of the library ranging from photocopying, registration of users, classification of books, bibliographic verification, processing of information materials, bibliographic searches, to descriptive and preliminary cataloguing. The study also revealed that the extent of application of of ICTs in many areas was low. The low application aƩributable to factors which include lack of a maintenance culture, inadequate number of ICT-competent staff in the library, inadequate technical support and inadequate funding. Strategies advanced for an effective application of ICTs in library services in the library include provision of funds for the procurement of ICT facilities, staff and user training on ICT use, provision of adequate infrastructural facility among. Conclusion and recommendations were made based on the findings of the study.




How to Cite

Amaoge Dorathy AGBO (CLN), & Juliana Obiageri AKIDI (Ph.D, CLN). (2023). Application of ICT Facilities in 21st Century Library Services: The Case of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike. International Journal of Knowledge Dissemination (IJKD), 1(2), 114–128. Retrieved from