Knowledge Sharing Culture, Innovation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: The role of Library and Librarians


  • Nkata U. Kalu (PhD) Department of Library and InformaƟon Science, NaƟonal Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Abuja


Librarian, Library, Innovation, Knowledge sharing culture, Sustainable development


The notion of sustainable development involves growth that meets the needs of the present society without compromising the need of future generations. It can be assumed that the level of development achieved may depend on the degree of innovation projects. Notwithstanding other roles played by other segments, it is evident that the extent to which knowledge sharing culture is practiced among the people also determines the level of development the people will experience.

This paper examined through the review and analysis of scholarly literature, the impact of knowledge sharing culture and innovation projects and the role the library and librarians play in achieving the much desired global sustainable development goals. It examines the universal Declaration and Roadmap by the United Nations. It also, looked at innovation as a trend for sustainable development in Nigeria as well as examined the benefits and elements of innovation. Furthermore, the paper examines the potentialities of knowledge sharing culture as an element of sustainable development. It views the processes of creating a knowledge sharing culture and factors that either promote or hinder creating a knowledge sharing culture as well as the advantages of imbibing good knowledge sharing culture. By means of reviewing empirical and conceptual studies, the paper discovered that the libraries play significant and positive role in fostering knowledge sharing culture and innovation initiatives which are considered principal elements of sustainable development.

It was concluded that the libraries are agent of knowledge sharing culture, innovation and sustainable development. It was recommended among others that the stakeholders of sustainable development should encourage the use of libraries as means of knowledge sharing, and innovation





How to Cite

Nkata U. Kalu (PhD). (2023). Knowledge Sharing Culture, Innovation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: The role of Library and Librarians. International Journal of Knowledge Dissemination (IJKD), 1(2), 56–82. Retrieved from